Tuesday 31 January 2012

On a Quest for Adventure and Treasure

La Mulana, for those who don't know, is a game made by the GR3 Project in 2004/2005. A retro platfomer which was designed to be a throw back to the older days of gaming, it took its inspiration from a computer system called the MSX. The MSX was a computer system released in 1984, on which a Japanese games company called Konami start several of todays biggest franchises. It was one of these Konami games, Maze of Galious that directly affected the 3 leads of the GR3 Project, duplex, Naramura, and Samieru. As a result not only is the design of La Mulana's based heavily of Maze of Galious but the ruins of La Mulana are littered with Konami roms ready to help Lemeza Kosugi's journey.

My part in this is having played and thoroughly enjoyed La Mulana, I am curious to see those actual games which Lemeza picked up in the game. I want to see what influence, if any, each game had on La Mulana and to try and discover what secrets GR3 hid inside their game that are ready to be discovered.

I've never played the MSX before, and I assume that a lot of you wouldn't have as well, so come join me as we dive back into our past and experience the building blocks of a wonderful indie game.

Let us enter, the Roms of La Mulana!

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